USPS ZIP Code, USA Postal Codes, ZIPCode, Mister ZIP, city names, alternate An Important Note Regarding Counties Within Our ZIP Code Databases

Our databases contain only a single county for each ZIP Code. Our databases do not list every county/ZIP Code combination that exists in the US.

The county data in our databases contain only the county NAME. FIP numbers are not included. We will can provide FIPs upon special request, for an extra fee.

In the real world, ZIP Code boundaries will sometimes cross county boundaries. This means that a particular ZIP Code may lie in more than one county. About a quarter of all ZIP Codes cross into a second county.  If you need to know every county that exists within a particular ZIP Code, then do NOT use our databases. You will need to find another vendor to provide you with such a database.


More useful ZIP Code links:

ZIP Code database files for importing into Microsoft Access, Excel, Paradox, Oracle, etc. -

The ZIP Code Companion software for MS Windows.  A convenient tool for looking up ZIP Codes -

ZIP Code Distance Wizard performs ZIP Code distance calculations quickly and easily -

USPS ZIP + 4 lookup -

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